Wednesday, February 6, 2008

2008-02-02 The Quest of Trailheads PART III 哈盆越嶺,福巴越嶺和卡拉基莫步道

According to the articles I read online, I would arrive at Fushan Village soon after passing through the registration station. I spent about 15-20 minutes riding on the road but didn't see any sign of the village. I started wondering if I was on the wrong road. I thought of the route I had taken, I thought there wasn't any branch road, I bet that is the only road to Fushan Village. I should still stick to the road and kept going straight even though I was a little bit worried.

Finally, I saw Fushan Village, which means I was in the right direction. I started looking for Fushan Elementary School because the three trailheads are near the school. But unexpectedly, the distance between the school and the entry of the village is several kilometers. I wondered how many students and teachers are in the school in the kind of remote mountain village. It must be a really small school.

After another 15-to-20- minute ride, I finally saw Fushan Elementary School and saw few direction signs. The direction signs are wooden boards carved with transliteration of aboriginal language. There was only a direction sign indicating Kilajimo Hiking Trail and no direction signs for Hapen and Fuba, the two national hiking trails. So weird!

I went to Kilajimo Hiking Trail straightforwardly and soon I saw Fushan No. 1 Bridge. The trailhead of Kilajimo Hiking Trail was right at the another side of the bridge. Haha! I found it! I was happy to find the first trailhead and I knew that I could find the trailhead of Hapen Hiking Trail as long as I found Kilajimo Hiking Trail because they are connected with each other.

卡拉基莫步道入口,卡拉基莫步道其實應該是哈盆越嶺的一部份,步道連結哈盆越嶺,全長約2.5公里。The entry of Kalajimo Hiking Trail, a part of Hapen Hiking Trail. Its length is about 2.5 kms.

I planed to find the trailheads of Hapen and Fuba Hiking Trails and to go hiking in Kalajimo Hiking Trail. However, I saw a warning sign right next to the trailhead which indicated that landslide happened along the trail, and it was getting dark. I thought I would better find the trailheads and go hiking when the weather is nice. So I set out to find the trailhead of Hapen Hiking Trail. I rode along the only road which made me feel I was going into the deeper side of mountains. When I was getting worried again, I saw the sign of Hapen Hiking Trail

Actually, I was very disappointed when I saw its entry at first sight. Its entry is small and trash was littered around the entry. I was very angry at those hikers who litter their trash on trails. Why on earth some people just don't cherish the environment! My enthusiasm suddenly got evaporated because of the dirty entry. I thought Hing Club and I will visit this place soon so I just took few pictures, and I set off to find the trailhead of Fuba Hiking Trail.
其實,當我第一眼看到哈盆越嶺的登山口,我好失望喔!登山口小小的,周圍非常髒亂,到處是垃圾,我很生氣,不知道為什麼登山客不好好愛惜環境。頓時之間,熱情全部蒸發。我心想反正大年初一時Hiking Club會再來這裡,我也沒興致自己繼續探險,隨便拍幾張照片。繼續找福巴越嶺的登山口。

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