Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Nanny McPhee (2006) 魔法褓母麥克菲

I never read the series of the children books, Nanny McPhee, so I don't know much about it, and I have less interest in seeing its movie version. But Emma Thompson is one of my favorite actresses, and I always want to see all of her work and collect DVDs of her movies, so I went to rent Nanny McPhee, the DVD, and watched it last night.

因為對這系列童書沒有涉略,原本一直對Nanny McPhee這部電影興趣缺缺。但又因為 Emma Thompson是我最喜愛的女演員之一,我一直很想看完和蒐集她所有的作品,所以還是到亞藝租借DVD,在昨晚看完這部電影。

The story of Nanny McPhee is predictable and performance of those child actors and actress are bliliant. At in terms of viual art design, the movie itself is amazing. The colors of it are splendid and boldly used, which makes me want to play with ideas of colors usage on mix paint plate. Emma's acting is okay in the movie owing to the structure of the story itself. But the vallians in the movie are outstanding because of their exaggeratively typical facial expressions.


Er....the vallians aren't those two sheep. (Er......反派不是這兩隻羊)

I am thinking I would dye my white rabbits or dogs pink or yellow if I keep some. 如果我有養小白兔或者是小白狗的話,我想要幫他們染成粉紅色或者是黃色,Pretty Cool!

The eye-catching and outstanding vallians in the movie. "The charming and lovely vallians!" quoted from Pokemon Monsters. 影片中非常搶眼,表現突出的「迷人又可愛的反派角色」。(借用神奇寶貝火箭隊的出場白)

Anut Adelaide,典型的尖嘴猴腮,英式老古板貴婦!

Mrs. Quickly,非常花俏的Fairytale Wicked Stepmother Wannabe.



Mingdaa L said...



Kate said...
