Sunday, December 16, 2007

2007-12-15 TongHou Hiking Trail 桶后越嶺 (PART I)

Hiking Club planed to hike TongHou Hiking Trail yesterday. Taiwanese hikers usually start the trip in Wulai, but we started it in JiaoXi of YiLan. We, Robert, Chris and I departed from Muzha, went through XueShan Tunnel and arrived TouCheng of YiLan. After we reached JiaoXi, The quest of the entry of TongHou Hiking Trail unfolded.

We didn't know the exact location of TongHou Hiking Trail's entry. We asked for directions from locals; we explored some possible roads. We sometimes had hopes for some possible routes and sometimes we were (or I was) frustrated by the wrong turns. We passed by WuCiFeng Waterfall and PaoMa Hiking Trail, and we even reached the entry of FuShan Nature Preverse where I am keen to visit, but we still couldn't find the right road to TongHou Hiking Trail.

Without clear guidance and certain direction, learning from exploration and discovering new meaning on the road are superb and profound experiences for me. (But I feel sorry that Robert spent most of his time driving and it was tiring for him)

與山友計畫在昨日走桶后越嶺,和常例不同的是,一般台灣登山客都是從烏來出發,我們則是從宜蘭礁溪開始。 我們一行人(Robert,Chris和我)從木柵出發,經雪山隧道,很快地抵達宜蘭頭城然後轉至礁溪。在抵達礁溪之後,開始我們的尋尋覓覓之旅。



Hiking Club:三缺一
Hiking Club: One Out Of Three

Robert and Chris, two of three key figures of Hiking Club; Peter couldn't join us because of his back pain problem.
Robert 和 Chris, Hiking Club的兩位核心人物,Peter因為背傷的關係,無法參加這次的郊山活動。

They were busy taking pictures of high-density Taiwanese cemetary, I was taking pictures of their concentration on the views of the cemetary. I was amazed by their interest in Taiwanse style graveyards.

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