Friday, December 21, 2007

Olympus SP-550UZ

After I did some research online, browsed several forums and considered my budget and various functions of digital cameras, I decided to buy an Olympus SP-550UZ.

I went to eWhat (The most famous bootlegged-camera store in Taiwan) to pick up the camera with my classmate, YiZhong, after the class of Family Psychology last night.

We were at eWhat and a serviceperson showed us the camera, and we could test functions the camera before we made the deal. YiZhong taught me its functions and how to operate it to take test shots. I took several pictures in different modes and people could easily tell that I was an inexperienced buyer because I awkwardly operated it. The serviceperson knew well that he didn't need to persuade me to buy it because my happy face was saying: "I want to buy it! I want to buy it!"

After buying the digital camera, YiZhong gave me basic lessons of photography. I went home happily with my brand-new digital camera. I decided to take more test shots to learn more of its functions. I thought I would go hiking in XiaoShiTou Shan next day.

The abovementioned experience is what happened to me last night.

I came back from XiaoShiTou Shan and just got in my office. I will upload my test shots to my Flickr and post the comparisons of photos taken by my old Nikon E2500 and new Olympus SP-550UZ. I will post introduce of my backyard garden: XiaoShiTou Shan. : )

P.S. Oops! My right ankle is aching; the old injure is really troublesome.

在事前做些功課,瀏覽各大討論區,考量預算和功能後,決定要買Olympus SP-550UZ這款數位相機,和學弟一中約好在昨天晚上上完家庭心理學後,到億華(全台知名攝影器材水貨商)買這款機型。




現在,我剛剛從小獅頭山回來,進了辦公室。晚些回家之後,我再把測試照片上傳到我的Flickr和這個部落格,可以比較一下我先前的Nikon E2500和這款Olympus SP-550UZ有何不同,並且可以再次介紹我的後花園:小獅頭山。


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